Sahaj Samadhi Meditation

3 min readMay 27, 2021

I have never talked about meditation as openly as I would want to. I am not sure how many of you are ready to read this, let alone believe me. Meditation sure calms your mind, gives you clarity and strength, helps you let go of all unnecessary baggage etc. But they, my dear friend, are just surface-level experiences. Powerful things but literally just the tip of the iceberg. I want to tell you something deeply personal and profound here for the “seekers” among us.

I learnt Sahaj Samadhi Meditation by Art of Living last year. From home. What happens here is you receive a charged sound unique to the vibrations of your soul (yes, I believe in souls). You are then taught how to slip into a deeply meditative state using that charged sound. You are taught a lot more but mainly you are taught how to slip into deep meditation, effortlessly. You do nothing. Nothing at all. You just sit there and let your crazed mind be.

And the things that I have experienced while meditating, I can never put into words. It’s very profound. Imagine waking up to a sky full of stars in your living room. How would you feel? Multiply that feeling by a thousand. It’s your own personal space odyssey, this particular kind of meditation. Yep. I don’t know how else to explain my experiences.

Besides the fringe benefits of a calmer mind, happier and stronger self, lots of clarity and everything, meditation helps you find answers. Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of our existence? Why do I feel the way I feel? What is the point of all this? Why is my life the way it is, despite whatever I do? If such questions plague your mind, you can find the answers, effortlessly through meditation. It opens up your mind to a far more incredible reality. And you learn to train your mind to be in the moment over and over again. You become so incredibly strong that you sometimes scare your own self. Your ability to find happiness in the smallest of things will blow your mind away. Basically, your own existence will blow your mind away.

I may sound cuckoo but it is what it is.

So if you are seeking answers. Answers to your existential questions or towards your own mind, I would urge you to give Sahaj Samadhi Meditation a chance.

Or if you just want to experience what it’s like to float sober amid stars, come meditate. 😊

I gain nothing out of this. But if you learn to meditate effortlessly and you end up smiling more or if you find answers that make you happy, I will cry out of sheer joy.

There’s a Sahaj Samadhi meditation workshop coming up. It’s a three-day thing. Two hours each. Very few slots. Message me if you want to chat more about this or if you want the registration link.

I am not selling this. You cannot sell infinity. If you are meant to go on a space odyssey, you will wind up there one way or another, dear seeker. 😊

